SWANA Supports Recycling: America Recycles Day 11-15-12

by MatrixGroup Admin Nov 14, 2012, 00:00 AM

SWANA’s mission is to advance the practice of environmentally and economically sound management or municipal solid waste in North America. Since recycling is often both economically and environmentally sound and is a preferred approach for managing municipal solid wastes, it is an essential part of SWANA’s professional development efforts.

SWANA’s recycling programs include:

  • Cutting-edge training programs with courses targeted toward recycling professionals including courses on Managing Recycling Systems and Managing Recycling of Construction and Demolition Materials.
  • Certification Program where individuals can demonstrate their competence and expertise in various aspects of recycling.
  • Recycling and Special Waste Technical Division, one of the largest technical divisions at SWANA, that works to promote state-of-the-art approaches to recycling through conferences, symposia, newsletters, and which provides the faculty for our training courses.
  • Excellence Awards Program that recognizes outstanding solid waste and recycling programs that utilize effective technologies and processes in system design and operations, advance worker and community health and safety, and implement successful public education and outreach programs.
  • Applied Research Foundation that produces research reports on various recycling and solid waste topics that have reached tens of thousands of solid waste management professionals through articles in industry magazines and journals.
  • Advocacy Program that represents the interests of solid waste and recycling professionals by being a proactive advocate of environmentally and economically sound recycling and solid waste management legislation and regulations.
  • According to Jeremy O’Brien, Director of the Applied Research Foundation “SWANA members, and the residents and businesses in their communities, work day in and day out to keep valuable recyclables out of landfills and return them to the marketplace. As a result, the mining or harvesting of virgin materials—along with their environmental impacts - and the use of fossil fuels are both substantially reduced. SWANA applauds these efforts and offers our thanks and appreciation to our members for their dedication and achievements.”

    Additional Ways to Advance Recycling Efforts EVERY DAY:

    Applied Research Foundation

    To support SWANA’s mission of 'advancing the practice' by conducting collectively-funded research on pressing solid waste issues that are identified and selected by the Foundation's subscribers, join the Applied Research Foundation today.

    Road To Zero Waste (RWZW) Conference

    February 25-26, 2013 – Atlanta, GA
    Make plans to attend.

    RTZW Conference is one of the annual events SWANA offers to promote increased recycling levels in North America.

    RTZW is a two-day event and trade show featuring a variety of zero waste experts and case studies that provides the latest information on zero waste initiatives, and practical advice on how your community can utilize these concepts in your municipal solid waste management plan. Complete details.

    About America Recycles Day
    America Recycles Day is a national program of Keep America Beautiful, and is the only nationally recognized day and community-driven awareness event dedicated to promoting and celebrating recycling in the U.S. Since its inception in 1997, communities across the country have participated in America Recycles Day on November 15 to educate, promote environmental citizenship, and encourage action. Learn more at AmericaRecyclesDay.org.