Request for Proposals for Development of a Certification Course for Zero Waste Principles and Practices

by MatrixGroup Admin Mar 27, 2015, 00:00 AM

March 26, 2015


Request for Proposals for
Development of a
Certification Course for Zero Waste Principles and Practices

The Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA) and California Resource Recovery Association (CRRA) are seeking an individual or consultant to serve as the Contract Project Manager for the development of a Zero Waste Principles and Practices Certification Course. 

The Contract Project Manager will be responsible for arranging for the participation of Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) in Course development.  The Contract Project Manager and SMEs will form the Course Development Group.  The Course must draw from the list of topics (Attachment II) provided by SWANA and CRRA.  The CDG must also provide a bank of Exam questions and participate in the presentation of the Pilot Course.

The maximum amount available for the project including development of the Course and Exam is $75,000.  Proposed cost is one of the proposal evaluation criteria.

SWANA and CRRA will hold a mandatory pre-proposal conference call to describe the project and respond to questions at 2 p.m. EST, April 9, 2015.  Dial-in information will be provided to RFP recipients that express interest in responding in advance of the call.    All prospective respondents must have a representative on the call.   However, SMEs who may participate as subcontractors are not required to attend the pre-proposal conference call.

Proposals are due by 6 p.m. EST May 1, 2015, and must follow the guidelines established in the Request for Proposals. 

Complete details.