YP Spotlight: Emily Tucker

by User Not Found May 19, 2022, 10:34 AM

The SWANA Young Professionals (YP) group continues to grow and expand across the country. SWANA YP members have been busy this past year speaking at SWANA events, leading teams, mentoring students and making strides in every aspect of the industry. Let’s get to know some of these upcoming industry leaders!

Meet Emily Tucker – Solid Waste Engineer – HDR

Emily Tucker

Emily is a Solid Waste Engineer with HDR at its Charlotte, NC location. For the past four years, Emily has provided multiple clients with engineering consulting services related to solid waste management strategies and compliance. Her area of expertise is in landfill and solid waste facility design and permitting, solid waste management planning, and environmental compliance. Prior to her employment with HDR, Emily received her thesis Master of Engineering degree in Environmental Engineering Sciences from the University of Florida with a concentration in Solid and Hazardous Waste Management. Her thesis work led to two journal publications, one in the Journal of Resources, Conservation and Recycling (February 2018) and the other in the Journal of Chemosphere (December 2020).

Emily has been a member of both North Carolina and South Carolina SWANA chapters since 2017. She has attended multiple SWANA conferences, and she presented at the 2019 Spring NC SWANA Conference on how the changing recycling market could affect solid waste planning in the state of North Carolina. Emily is now serving on the South Carolina SWANA Board and enjoying every minute of it. She has taken SWANA’s Zero Waste Principles and Practices training course and highly recommends it.

Earlier this year, Emily was selected for SWANA’s inaugural Young Professionals Leadership Academy and greatly values the connections she’s made thus far through this new program.

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Visit swana.org/YP411 to learn more about the group and become a YP member at the special discounted rate for full access to mentors, job openings, discounted webinars, and more! Or sign-up for SWANA’s YP Community forum for FREE to engage in industry discussions and receive updates on all things “YP”.