
Get Featured in the YP Spotlight

Thanks to you and others across the country, the SWANA Young Professionals (YP) group continues to grow and expand. With more than 1,000 YPs in SWANA, your accomplishments are something to be very proud of. Your fellow YP members have been speaking at SWANA events, leading teams, mentoring students and making strides in all aspects of the industry.

Young Professionals are the hot-topic in many associations and companies. SWANA supports YP potential. So help us show colleagues and future bosses what SWANA Young Professionals are really made of!

Fill out the form below and include a picture to be featured in the “YP Spotlight” section of I Am SWANA News e-newsletter.*

Briefly tell us a little about yourself:

  • Demographics: name, title, employer, contact info
  • Accomplishments (e.g., career or industry related, personal, academic, etc.)
  • Things You Have Done with SWANA (e.g., when became a member, presentations at WASTECON® or other SWANA events, SWANA Awards, training and certification activities, etc.)
  • Quote about Your Experience as a YP member (include why others should join the SWANA YP group)

Use the form below or send submissions directly to SWANA Membership at

* Note: quotes and pictures may also be featured in SWANA marketing materials, and your submission constitutes copyright acknowledgement/permission to use. Must be a member of SWANA and a current YP (age 35 years of age or younger) to be featured. Submissions are due by the last day of each month and will be featured in the following issue of I Am SWANA News.

YP Spotlight Form

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