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Sustainable Materials Management


Sustainable Materials Management (SMM) North America today is going through major disruptions. Internationals regulations are putting extraordinary pressures on the industry. Conditions in facilities and in the field are changing. Solid waste professionals need up-to-date information on recycling developments. SWANA's SMM (Recycling and Special Waste) training courses will give recycling and special waste professionals a competitive advantage in this changing field.

SWANA SMM Training Courses

Zero Waste Principles & Practices

Available as: eCourse On Demand, Training@Work On-Site

Managing Recycling Systems

Available as: eCourse On Demand

Managing Composting Programs

Available as: eCourse On Demand, Training@Work On-Site

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Recorded Webinars

SWANA Recorded Webinar

SWANA State of Recycling 2020

Member Price: $49.00
Non-Member Price: $94.00
SWANA Recorded Webinar

The Impact of Source Separated Organics Collection on Waste

The Impact of Source Separated Organics Collection on Waste Composition
Member Price: $47.00
Non-Member Price: $94.00
SWANA Recorded Webinar

Post-Closure Guidance: Subtitle C Hazardous Waste Landfills

Member Price: $0.00
Non-Member Price: $0.00
SWANA e-course

Managing Recycling Systems eCourse

Member Price: $843.00
Non-Member Price: $1373.00