
Guide for Developing Lithium Battery Management Practices at Materials Recovery Facilities

To lower the risk of potential fires caused by lithium batteries, this guide has been written to assist materials recovery facilities (MRFs) in developing management practices to properly manage and dispose of lithium batteries when spotted, to take precaution in case of a fire, and to manage a fire if one does break out. Guidelines to help better educate consumers also are provided.

View the Battery Management Guide

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Safety Resources

MRF Lithium Battery Guidance document thumbnail

Natural Gas Vehicle Safety

SWANA, along with NGVAmerica, is proud to promote natural gas vehicle (NGV) safety initiatives to increase the commitment to workplace safety throughout the solid-waste industry and continue to keep these clean and affordable vehicles safely on the road.

Here you will find a whitepaper providing basic NGV knowledge and safety practices, and also a fuel systems inspection guidance document.

Backing Best Management Practices Guide

2019 International Road-E-O: Backing up truck

According to industry and OSHA data, backing represents approximately 25 percent of all injuries and accidents in the solid waste collection industry. Use our poster and guide covering the industry’s best backing practices to educate employees to stay safe on the job.

Additional Safety Resources