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Become a SWANA Faculty Member

SWANA Faculty Requirements

To become a SWANA-approved faculty member, applicants must:

  1. Be SWANA members in good standing.
  2. Maintain certification in the discipline(s) corresponding to the course(s) they wish to teach.
  3. Attend a Train-the-Trainer session.
    • The MOLO Train-the-Trainer Session is available onDemand. Email for more information.
  4. Complete a practice teaching session under the guidance of a SWANA-approved lead instructor.
    • New applicants must receive a recommendation from the lead instructor after practice teaching
    • New Applicants Must Receive a positive evaluation from more than 80% of the respondents to the course evaluation
    Note: This requirement is waived for current faculty members who teach a new or updated course in the same discipline
  5. Be available to travel and take time from professional responsibilities to teach.
  • Looking to maintain your SWANA Faculty instructor status

    To maintain your status as a SWANA-approved faculty member, instructors must:

    • Teach a certification or certificate course at least twice within a three-year period.
    • Receive positive evaluations from more than 80% of the respondents to the course evaluation.
    • Complete an annual survey.
    • Update picture, biography and resume, as requested.
  • Looking to be a Zero Waste Instructor

    Those who wish to teach the Zero Waste Principles & Practices course must be approved by SWANA and the California Resource Recovery Association (CRRA) and attend a special session for ZW applicants.

Experience Requirements

Minimum of two (2) years of experience in the solid waste industry and at least two (2) years of experience working in the discipline they wish to teach.

Complete your Application Today

Faculty Application Instructor Evaluation Report

Complete both forms and return them to James Swart.