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Chapter Contacts

Each SWANA chapter was formed with one goal in mind: to give you, as a member, a unified voice where it matters most; in your own back yard.

Alabama ChapterMike Thornton, S.C.
Alaska ChapterJeff Smith
Arizona ChapterRamona Simpson
Arkansas ChapterTiffany Dunn
Atlantic Canada ChapterNicole Haverkort
Caribbean Puerto Rico ChapterFernando L. Rodriguez
Central California Sierra ChapterDaniel J. Amann, S.C.
Colorado Rocky Mountain ChapterNeil C. Nowak, P.E.
Florida Sunshine ChapterJason Timmons
Georgia ChapterMatthew R. Dolan
Illinois Land of Lincoln ChapterChristina Seibert
Indiana Hoosier ChapterCurt Publow, S.C.
Iowa Society of Solid Waste Operations ChapterJohn A. Foster, S.C.
Kansas Sunflower ChapterBret Clements
Kentucky ChapterByron Roberts
Louisiana Chapter John Wynn
Michigan Chapter Summer Hitchens
Mid-Atlantic Chapter                                                        (Includes Delaware, Maryland, and Washington, DC)John Neyman
Minnesota Land of Lakes ChapterJennefer Klennert
Mississippi ChapterJennifer Jackson
Missouri ChapterMichael Tripp
Nebraska Cornhusker Chapter Michael J. Miller
Nevada ChapterVacant
New Jersey ChapterBrian Henning, P.E.
New Mexico Roadrunner ChapterRafael Leos
New York ChapterJeff Martirano
North Carolina ChapterJoseph Hack, QEP
Northern California Gold Rush Chapter David A. Ghirardelli

Northern Lights Chapter
(Includes NWT, AB, MB, SK, and NU)

Scott F. Theede, S.C.
Northern New England Chapter                                      (Includes Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont)Amanda Wade
Ohio Buckeye ChapterJames Profitt
Oklahoma Indian Nations ChapterGreg A. Vance
Ontario ChapterAnnette Synowiec
Oregon Beaver Chapter                                                    (Includes Idaho)Jenifer Stuber
Pacific Basin Chapter David Lore, S.C.
Pacific Chapter - BC & Yukon ChapterMark Kurschner
Pennsylvania Keystone ChapterDenise Wessels, PE
Quebec ChapterJean-Luc Plante, Engineer
South Carolina Palmetto ChapterJ Morgan
Southern California Founding ChapterMichelle P. Leonard
Southern New England Chapter                                       (Includes Connecticut,  Massachusetts, and Rhode Island)Ron St. Michel
Tennessee Volunteer ChapterLoretta Hopper
Texas Lone Star ChapterBrian K. Boerner
Utah Beehive ChapterAndrew Alvaro
Virginia Old Dominion Chapter  Matthew Lawless
Washington Evergreen ChapterMatthew Hobson
Wisconsin Badger ChapterLee Daigle


International Membership

SWANA offers International Membership to those located outside the United States, Canada, and US Territories. SWANA International membership is also available to people who have APO and FPO addresses. For additional information on SWANA International Membership please contact