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Collection & Transfer Technical Division

The largest single budget item in solid waste management, the collection and transfer of refuse and recyclables relies heavily on efficiency and reliability. Issues include route design, health and safety, and contracting and franchising.

The Collection & Transfer Technical Division tracks equipment innovations and analyzes developments in:

  • Vehicle fleet management and maintenance
  • Collection efficiency
  • Emission regulations
  • Enhancing vehicle performance with the use of alternative fuels

Collection & Transfer Technical Division Leadership

Advisory Board Delegate

S.C., P.E.

Mr. Donald J. Birnesser, S.C., P.E.

Past Director

Mr. Kyle Foreman, S.C.
Solid Waste Superintendent, City of Billings

Tech Division Director


Mr. Damien Tramel, S.C.
Director, Solid Waste Management Department, Hillsborough County

Vice Director

Jill Gaffigan
Principal Consultant, Geosyntec Consultants

YP Tech Division Representative

Mr. Nigel Baummer
Engineer III - Sustainable Development, Herrera Environmental Consultants

Hot Topics

The Collection & Transfer Technical Division is focusing on these hot topics:

Comparison of EV to the traditional fuel-powered collection and transfer vehicles
Best collection safety practices
Employee retention

Collection & Transfer Technical Division Committees

Awards Committee

Evaluates nominations and recommends the recipient of the division’s Distinguished Individual Achievement Award (began 2018).

Legislative & Regulatory Committee

Follows federal initiatives such as diesel engine retrofits, interstate transport of waste, and driver CDL requirements. Members are alerted to opportunities to review and comment on legislation that impacts their organizations. The committee also provides input on SWANA technical policies.

Program Committee

Reviews speaking proposals submitted for SWANA events (national and other). Members also can serve as moderators for technical sessions at events.

Training Committee

Provides C&T training and education through SWANA courses and publications, assuring program quality. See Collection & Transfer Certification Courses.



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