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Landfill Management Technical Division

Compactor on landfill

With more than 1,000 members, the SWANA Landfill Management Division remains one of the largest and most active technical divisions.

The SWANA Landfill Management Technical Division (LFMTD) is committed to:

  • Increasing awareness of the essential role that landfills play in integrated solid waste management systems
  • Fostering environmentally protective development for safe and efficient operations of landfills through education and advocacy
  • Addressing landfill related critical issues through subcommittees
  • Performing as the medium among various groups of professionals within the landfill management profession
  • Promoting transfer of knowledge to solid waste young professionals
  • Promoting practices that sustainably protect public health and safety in the disposal and long-term management of solid wastes

Landfill Management Technical Division Leadership

Advisory Board Delegate

Ravi Kadambala

Ph.D., P.E., BCEE

Dr. Ravi Kadambala, Ph.D., P.E., BCEE
Division Director, Miami-Dade County Department of Solid Waste Management

ISWA Representative

Philip Goddard


Mr. Philip A. Goddard, S.C.
Manager of Facility Compliance and Technology Development, Town of Bourne

Past Director

Mr. Dave Vladic
Mr. Dave Vladic
Vice President Engineering & Environmental Compliance, Republic Services, Inc.

Tech Division Director

Dr. Arie P. Kremen
Dr. Arie P. Kremen
Tetra Tech - Metuchen, NJ

Vice Director

Lindsay Turtle
Ms. Lindsay Turtle
Director Engineering, Republic Services, Inc.

YP Tech Division Representative

PE, M. Eng.

Mr. Christopher A. Toevs, PE, M. Eng.
Facility Engineer, Chester County Solid Waste Authority

Hot Topics

The Landfill Management Technical Division is focusing on these hot topics:

Leachate/PFAS regulations and treatment alternatives
Environmental justice
Post-closure planning and re-use

Landfill Management Technical Division Committees

Awards Committee

The Landfill Management Technical Division Awards committee evaluates nominations and presents SWANA Awards.

Landfill Rebranding Committee

The Landfill Rebranding Committee is a joint effort between the Landfill Management Technical Division and the Communication, Education, and Marketing Technical Division. The Committee focuses on how to communicate more effectively about the role of landfills within integrated solid waste management systems. Committee work includes tracking and reviewing landfill data, and finding, sharing, and curating case study information.

Leachate & Landfill Liquids Committee

Addresses leachate treatment costs, which represent one of the largest (if not the largest) cost category for many landfills. In addition, wastewater discharge regulations are tightening and, as a result, there’s a growing interest in and need for on-site treatment.

Legislative & Regulatory Committee

Tracks current and pending legislation at the federal and state levels, providing comments and writing letters to elected officials in support of the stance taken by SWANA on key issues.

Content Committee

The Content Committee develops technical content for SWANA events, programs, newsletters, webinars, etc. The Content Committee works to contribute ideas for future SWANA technical presentations, tour locations, other written content and program elements associated with the subject matter.

Training Committee

Provides training and education through courses and publications, assuring program quality. Courses have included:

  • Manager of Landfill Operations (MOLO) Certification Course
  • Manager of Bioreactor Landfill Operations Certification Course
  • Landfill Operational Issues



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