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Core Advocacy Group

The SWANA Core Advocacy Group was established to encourage communication and collaboration among the different parts of our overall structure. Membership consists of Chapter Liaisons, the Technical Division Advocacy Committee, SWANA Executive Staff and the General Counsel. This group is intended to ensure consistency among SWANA advocacy positions at the federal, state, provincial and local levels, where appropriate and possible. The Core Advocacy Group also serves as a resource for information and updates to the chapter and technical division members they represent.

Technical Division Advocacy Committee

Technical DivisionAdvocacy Rep Affiliation
Collection & Transfer Mr. James R. Miller JRMA Architects Engineers
Communication, Education & Marketing Ms. Ramona Simpson, S.C. Town of Queen Creek
Landfill Gas and Biogas Ms. Niki L. Wuestenberg Republic Services, Inc.
Landfill Management Mr. Nathan P. Mayer, PE Solid Waste Authority of Palm Beach County
Planning & Management Ms. Constance Hornig Constance Hornig Law Offices
Sustainable Materials Management Maia Corbitt Texans for Clean Water
Waste Conversion and Energy Recovery Mr. Greg H. Gesell HDR (HQ)

Chapter Liaisons

Chapter Advocacy Liaison
Colorado Rocky Mountain Chapter Mr. Neil C. Nowak, P.E.
Florida Sunshine Chapter Mr. Willie Puz
Iowa Chapter Mr. Garrett Prestegard
Michigan Chapter Ms. Kimberly Smelker, P.E.
Minnesota Land of Lakes Chapter Rachel Shumaker, S.C.
Nebraska Cornhusker Chapter Mr. Kent E. Holm
New Jersey Chapter Ms. Megan I. Sartor
Northern California Gold Rush Chapter Mr. Larry D. Sweetser, S.C.
Wisconsin Badger Chapter Mr. David Hagenbucher