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Technical and Management Policies

SWANA Technical Policies

Technical Policies set forth positions SWANA takes on the various technical aspects associated with the field of solid waste management. These are reviewed and approved by the SWANA Board of Directors and represent the guiding principles for SWANA advocacy and comments.

SWANA Technical Policies are free and available to the general public.

T-06.4 - Measuring Recycling

Apr 13, 2020, 10:18 AM by Tony MacFarlane
Download (pdf) 89 KB

SWANA Management and Administrative Policies

Management and Administrative (MA) Policies cover the policies and procedures for all SWANA member, directors, officers, chapters, regions, and staff. New MA policies or revisions are originated by either the Executive Director/ CEO, a member of the Board of Directors, or the chair of a standing committee. The originator does not have to be the primary author, but must be the person responsible for completing the MA-0 process.

SWANA Management and Administrative Policies are only available to SWANA members.

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