
Scholarship Winner

Tim Flanagan


Project Director, SCS Engineers

Tim Flanagan is a collaborator, mentor, motivator, and staunch advocate for sustainable materials management. Prior to joining SCS in February 2022, Mr. Flanagan served as General Manager of Monterey Regional Waste Management District (MRWMD) from 2015 through 2021, after 10 years as Assistant General Manager. He managed a team of more than 150 professional, technical, and operations personnel and oversaw MRWMD facilities serving a population of 250,000. Mr. Flanagan also worked for Waste Management Inc. for almost 20 years, managing several operations engaged in collections, transfer, and recycling processing. He holds a B.A., in Public Policy & Economics (Urban Planning Emphasis) from the University of California at Santa Barbara.

Flanagan joined SWANA as a member of the Gold Rush Chapter in 2005; he is a SWANA certified Manager of Landfill Operations; and served as Director of SWANA’s Sustainable Materials Management (SMM) Technical Division, which he also represented on the International Board. In 2016, he was elected to SWANA’s Executive Board and the SMM Technical Division recognized him with its Distinguished Individual Achievement Award. Flanagan is also a member of the California Resource Recovery Association and the National Recycling Coalition. He is a past member of the National Legislative Committee for the National “Buy Recycled” Alliance and served on the Development Committee for the US Conference of Mayors Technical Advisory Committee for Solid Waste Management and Resource Recovery.
