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Ms. Ramona Simpson, S.C.

Ms. Ramona Simpson

Environmental Programs Manager

Town of Queen Creek

As the Operations Manager over Environmental Services and Fleet for Town of Queen Creek, Ms. Simpson manages the Trash & Recycling, Air Quality, Hazardous Waste, Stormwater and Fleet Maintenance Programs. She has been with the Town of Queen Creek since 2005 and holds a Master’s in Public Administration. Ms. Simpson the past Director for the Solid Waste Association of North America’s (SWANA) Communication, Education, and Marketing (CEM) Division, is a past Chair for the Maricopa Association of Government’s (MAG) Solid Waste Advisory Committee, and the current Vice-Chair of the MAG Air Quality Technical Advisory Committee. She is also a member of the Arizona Recycling Coalition (AzRC) and a previous winner of the AzRC Recycler of the Year award for her efforts in education and outreach for the Town of Queen Creek’s Recycling “Do More Blue” Program.  Ms. Simpson was instrumental in the Town of Queen Creek receiving the prestigious Arizona Forward’s Award of Merit for Environmental Excellence in Environmental Education and Communication for the Town’s “Do More Blue-Jeans” textile recycling campaign in 2013, and the East Valley Recycling Alliance 2014 MAG Desert Peaks Award for Regional Partnership. Ms. Simpson was also honored to be a recipient of the 2022 Distinguished Service Award on behalf of the Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA) to recognize contributions to SWANA, to solid waste management and to public health and environmental protection.


Type Role
Planning & Management Technical Division Advisory Board Delegate
Tech Division Director TDPM
Technical Division
