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Top Initiatives for SWANA in Solid Waste Management

At SWANA, we understand the critical role that solid waste management plays in shaping a sustainable future. With our expert-driven initiatives, we aim to revolutionize the way waste is handled, promoting efficiency, reducing environmental impact, and enhancing community well-being. Our Top Initiatives address the most pressing challenges facing the industry today, offering cutting-edge solutions that not only benefit our environment but also drive economic and social progress.

Safety officer surveying landfill


SWANA has a strong commitment to safety and is determined to help move the waste collection industry off of the federal government’s list of 10 most dangerous jobs and reduce accidents and injuries.

materials recovery workers sorting recycling


SWANA is a leading expert on recycling and materials recovery. We work with members, municipalities, and leaders to respond to recycling challenges.

3D rendering of Teflon molecule


The Landfill Management Technical Division Landfill Leachate and Liquids Committee provides up-to-date scientific and technical data about PFAS in solid waste.