
Planning and Management Tech News

Leadership Note

Editor’s Note: This quarter’s column is written by Paul Sgriccia as Vice Director, who transitioned to Division Director in October.

I would like to recognize and thank Chace Anderson, GBB, for serving as the Planning & Management Division Director for the past two years, as well as serving as Vice-Director prior to his term as Division Director. Thank you, Chace.

The Planning & Management Division has the honor to present the Integrated Solid Waste Management Awards at the 2014 WasteCon in Long Beach, California. This year, we received eight excellent applications, and the following awards were announced earlier this summer. See separate story later in this newsletter. Congratulations to all award recipients on your award-winning programs.

Last year, the P&M Division invited all P&M members to attend the Senior Executive Seminar which was held in January in Tucson, Arizona, with more than 60 attendees and presentations included:

  • State of the Solid Waste Industry - a timely industrial analysis by Michael Hoffman
  • The Shrinking and Changing MSW Ton
  • MSW Organics Diversion: The New Frontier
  • Litigation/Legislation Update
  • a discussion on how to attract and engage the Young Professionals group
  • a breakout session on industry safety
  • The SES concluded with a tour of the ReCommunity MRF and the Los Reales Landfill. I have found the SES to be a “not to miss” event, and I have benefited from the presentations, discussions and networking at previous SES meetings.

    The 2014 SES planning is underway and is scheduled for January 29 – 30, 2014, at the Grand Key Resort in Key West, Florida. The 2014 SES will include excellent opportunities for networking as well as technical presentations. Look for your invitation soon to the 2014 SES.

    If you have any questions or suggestions regarding the Planning & Management Division, please contact Chace Anderson, Past Division Director at, Bob Craggs, Technical Division International Board Representative (TDIBR) at, or me at We look forward to hearing from you.

    Also in this edition of Planning and Management Tech News:

  • Technical Division Elections
  • Award Winners
  • Legislative & Regulatory Op-Ed
  • Welcome, New Members!
  • MySWANA Community
  • Senior Executive Seminar
  • SWANA-Certified Instructors Needed!
  • Certification Recognition
  • SWANA Remembers
  • Florida Chapter News
  • AAEES Chooses SWANA Member for Recognition
  • SWANA Member Seeks Feedback on Engineering Consulting Service Quality
  • SWANA Member Authors Book
  • WASTECON 2013: New York City Considers Waste Conversion Technologies.

  • Tech News eNewsletters is a benefit of each Technical Division (TD) membership. TD members may access quarterly newsletters by logging into MySWANA.

    Not a Planning and Management Technical Division Member? Don't miss out on the full story. Join the Planning and Management Technical Division.

    About SWANA

    The Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA) is an organization of more than 10,000 public and private sector professionals committed to advancing from solid waste management to resource management through their shared emphasis on education, advocacy and research. For more than 60 years, SWANA has been the leading association in the solid waste management field. SWANA serves industry professionals through technical conferences, certifications, publications and a large offering of technical training courses.

    Media Contact

    Andrea Lazo
    Director of Marketing & Digital Communications
    (240) 494-2235