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Get and Stay Certified

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SWANA Certification: Professionalism, Recognition, Knowledge, Achievement, Leadership

SWANA certification is recognized by numerous states as the standard for solid waste employees.

Whether you’re just starting the journey or well on the path of becoming successful in the solid waste profession, SWANA Certification is your guide to career enhancement, increased salary, and greater success in your chosen discipline.

SWANA credentials are earned through education, experience, and challenging program of examinations and maintained through continuous review and education.

Please review the experience requirements closely for the discipline(s) in which you seek certification. If you do not have the requisite experience, your application will be denied.

Questions About Certification?

Thoughtful man with question-marks in background

Certification Information

Certification empowers you with the latest information, creates networking opportunities with fellow professionals, and identifies you as an asset to the industry.

Benefits of Being Certified

Why SWANA Certification is important and beneficial to employees and employers:

Employees —Get Certified and Shift Your Career into High Gear!

  • Accelerate your career
  • Increase job mobility
  • Command higher salary
  • Prove your skills & expertise
  • Demonstrate pride in your work
  • Gain competitive advantage over non-certified individuals

Employers —SWANA Certification Produces Results for Your Organization!

  • Leverage best practices for improved operations
  • Equip employees with knowledge
  • Reduce down-time from regulatory violations
  • Show customers your commitment to quality
  • Gain competitive advantage in bids & contracts
  • Inspire employee pride in work

Learn More About SWANA Certification Disciplines

Zero Waste Principles & Practices

Zero Waste Principles and Practices on-demand ecourse

“Waste is a design flaw” (Kate Kreba)

Professionals who take this new Zero Waste Principles & Practices training course will have the ability to integrate their understanding of Zero Waste with their existing waste management systems, practices, and policies to move local systems toward locally defined Zero Waste goals.

The Zero Waste Principles & Practices training course is a joint undertaking of SWANA and the California Resource Recovery Association. CRRA is dedicated to achieving environmental sustainability in and beyond California through Zero Waste strategies. SWANA, with its work in 45 chapters across the United States and Canada, is committed to educating professionals working in the industry and moving the industry as a whole from a focus on solid waste management to resource management.

Content and Approach

The course encompasses a broad overview of Zero Waste principles and practices in 10 modules covering public policy, programs, technology, and measurement:

  • Introduction to Zero Waste, including a survey of different definitions and perspectives
  • What’s In Your Waste Stream?
  • Upstream, Midstream, and Downstream: understanding Zero Waste strategies as they affect each stage of product lifestyles
  • Collections Options
  • Processing Technology Options
  • Managing Organics
  • Public Venues and Challenging Materials
  • Changing Behavior through Education and Outreach
  • Financing and Funding
  • Contracting and Partnerships

The course provides many opportunities for discussion among instructors and participants. It draws on current materials and examples from outside the published manual and engages students in several in-class exercises.

Access Table of Contents

Who Should Attend?

Entry and mid-level managers of programs and systems serving local governments and other industry professionals who work in an advisory or consulting capacity with municipal programs and staff.