
Scholarship Winner

Cherie Anderson

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Community Relations and Special Project Manager, Intermountain Regional Landfill

Cherie comes from a background of both public and private sector. She worked diligently for 11 years in the office responsible for energy policy for the State of Utah, earning the Governor’s Award of Excellence. Leaving the public sector, she joined the waste industry to work for Intermountain Regional Landfill where she is able to spend her days supporting and volunteering in the communities they serve. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion are something she feels passionate about bringing to the waste industry. With two daughters, she has always been adamant about showing that women can be leaders. When her daughter joined the LGBTQ+ community, Cherie learned more about a community that was looking for acceptance and inclusion, needing a place to be themselves. She knows this can be accomplished in the waste industry. She lives in Utah with her husband and two children.
