
Scholarship Winner

Lynn Zender

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Founder/Director of Zender Environmental Health and Research Group, Anchorage, AK

Lynn Zender is Founder/Director of Zender Environmental Health and Research Group, a non-profit based in Anchorage Alaska that specializes in waste management program assistance and training for Tribes and their communities, as well as for rural, small, and remote communities in general.  Dr. Zender's interests in DEI stems from her personal experiences as a woman, as someone with a hearing difference, and as  someone who works with communities whose solid waste circumstances, values and ideas, and solid waste leaders are under-represented at the table. As a mother of a 13 year old worried about climate change and ways we contribute to it through waste, she seeks inclusion of as many passionate voices with new perspectives as possible. One of those voices may bring with them that silver bullet or something close to it. In the meantime, she can be found happily camping in Alaska as often as she can manage.
