June 16, 2022
SWANA is excited to announce for the first time in 2022, three outstanding young professionals will be bestowed the honor of Young Professional of the Year. SWANA’s YP of the Year Award formally acknowledges the hard work and dedication of Young Professionals in the solid waste industry. The inaugural YP of the Year Awards will be awarded at WASTECON® and the awards will be presented on an annual basis going forward.
To be eligible for the SWANA YP of the Year, candidates must be a SWANA YP (35 years or younger) at the beginning of the calendar year of the award. They also must be an active SWANA YP member. Finally, they must have spent three years or more working in the solid waste/resource management industry.
Winners will receive one-year SWANA membership voucher (following the year of the award) and WASTECON® or SOAR (winner’s choice) attendance voucher. The winners will be presented a physical award at WASTECON®.
The application deadline for the award is August 31, 2022. The application includes five components, including a letter of interest, a completed application form, a current resume, a letter of recommendation from a professional in the solid waste industry with over 10 years of work experience, and a letter of recommendation from the applicant’s immediate supervisor (or similar).
Learn more and apply.