
Now Accepting 2022 SWANA Safety Award Submissions

April 7, 2022

Safety Awards 2022

Applications due Friday, July 1

SWANA is seeking out the Biggest Safety Improvements, Best Safety Innovations, and COVID-19 Pandemic Resiliency throughout the solid waste industry.

Your organization has done a great job protecting workers and the public. Now get recognized for your accomplishments by the largest member-based solid waste association in the world.

  • COVID-19 Resiliency
    This award was created to recognize organization’s that have adapted to working during the pandemic with a focus on utilizing the hierarchy of controls to protect employees, contractors, and customers. Efforts to increase worker vaccination and to ensure continuity of service will also be considered.
  • Best Safety Innovation 
    An award to showcase an exemplary safety innovation undertaken by the solid waste industry during the previous year to reduce hazards and accidents, develop company regulations and best practices, or improve worker safety.
  • Biggest Safety Improvement
    Awarded for exemplary safety improvement undertaken by the solid waste industry during the previous year.
Apply Now

There is no entry fee, but the applicant must be a SWANA member. Winners will be announced on Tuesday, September 6 with the awards ceremony taking place in December at WASTECON® 2022 in San Diego, California.

Questions? Contact Jesse Maxwell at