December 17, 2020
Following very closely with the theme of this year's WASTECON®, SWANA's executive leadership summit has been transformed into a virtual conference taking place January 26-28, 2021 with live events each day from 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. EST in addition to On-Demand sessions available throughout the conference.
Virtual WASTECON® will combine cutting-edge, executive education with innovative program design, and leave participants better prepared to lead, inspire, and achieve in these challenging times. SWANA is working to provide the top industry speakers and interaction with select industry solution providers that are all expected when participating in WASTECON®.
WASTECON® will feature some of the top industry leaders such as Heidi Sanborn, SWANA's Lawrence Lecturer and Executive Director for the National Stewardship Action Council; John Morris, Executive Vice President, Chief Operating Officer for Waste Management, Inc.; and Elizabeth Montoya, Chief of Protocol and Investor Relations of Rubicon. Also, back by popular demand, Rebecca Ryan, APF, Futurist & Owner of NEXT Generation Consulting, Inc., will be participating in WASTECON® once again to demonstrate how to practice future-focused leadership.
WASTECON®, SWANA’s executive leadership summit for the solid waste and recycling industries, will bring together public and private sector waste industry leaders and decision-makers from throughout the United States and Canada from the safety of their own homes and offices.
Join us virtually for WASTECON® January 26-28, 2021. Register now!