
SWANA Elections Are Coming Soon

SWANA Elections Coming Soon

It's that time of the year again! SWANA elections are upon us, and we need YOUR help to spread the word!
SWANA Elections will begin on June 15, 2015, at 8:00 a.m. (EDT) and close one month later on July 15, 2015, at 5:00 p.m. (EDT)
All members will receive a ballot to vote for International Board officers and Bylaws Amendments. Private sector and small business members also will receive a second ballot to vote for private sector directors.
During previous elections, we've heard of members who didn't receive a ballot. The cause varies from person to person, but in most cases it is caused by server blocks and email settings. In an effort to address these technical issues beforehand, please let your members know that they should:

  1. Add and to the safe sender list in their emails.
  2. Ask their IT team/department to whitelist SWANA's IP address:
  3. If problems persist, please contact Caressa Morris at or 240-494-2238.

Please help us spread the word and encourage your chapter members to vote.

Nominations for Officers of the Association (FY 16)

The following individuals have been nominated by the Nominating Committee to serve as officers of the Association for Fiscal Year 2016 (July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016), but serving by tradition from the 2015 Annual Business Meeting on August 25, 2015, to the 2016 Annual Business Meeting in August 2016:

President – Michelle Leonard, Vice President, SCS Engineers, Pasadena, California

Vice President – Richard H. Allen, CEO, Salt River Landfill, Scottsdale, Arizona

Treasurer – Jeffrey S. Murray, P.E., BCEE, Senior Project Manager, HDR Engineering, Inc. of the Carolinas, Raleigh, North Carolina

Secretary – Frank R. Caponi, Division Engineer – Head, Air quality Engineering, Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts, Whittier, California

The EC must approve or disapprove the nominating committee’s candidates for Secretary, and advancement of the current officers to the next level of office at the Mid-Year Meeting; The EC-approved recommendations of the Nominating Committee is further subject to IB approval and written ballot of the SWANA Membership via on-line voting in June-July 2015. 


The Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA) is an organization of more than 10,000 public and private sector professionals committed to advancing from solid waste management to resource management through their shared emphasis on education, advocacy, and research. For more than 60 years, SWANA has been the leading association in the solid waste management field. SWANA serves industry professionals through technical conferences, certifications, publications, and a large offering of technical training courses.

Media Contact

Kristyn Oldendorf
Director of Public Policy
(240) 494-2237