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2008 Solid Waste Managers Salary Survey cover

2008 Solid Waste Managers’ Salary Survey

Publication date: April, 2009. In 2007, SWANA surveyed public sector waste managers and other public sector organizations with the goal of reporting on compensation and benefits.
Member Price: $0.00
Non-Member Price: $199.00
Curbside Collection of Residential Food Waste

Curbside Collection of Residential Food Waste

Publication date: December, 2008. This research memorandum provides up-to-date information about collecting food waste from single-family households.
Member Price: $0.00
Non-Member Price: $199.00
Waste-to-Energy and the Solid Waste Management Hierarchy

Waste-To-Energy and the Solid Waste Management Hierarchy

Publication date: December, 2008. This report ranks waste-to-energy in the heirarchy of solid waste management.
Member Price: $0.00
Non-Member Price: $199.00
The Benchmarking of Residential Solid Waste Collection Services: FY 2008 Report

The Benchmarking of Residential Solid Waste

Publication date: December, 2008. Full title: The Benchmarking of Residential Solid Waste Collection Services.
Member Price: $0.00
Non-Member Price: $199.00
Benchmarking the Performance and Costs of MSW Landfills

Benchmarking the Performance and Costs of MSW Landfills

Publication date: December, 2008. This report presents the results of a two-year effort to develop a municipal solid waste (MSW) Landfills Benchmark database.
Member Price: $0.00
Non-Member Price: $199.00

Master Construction Specifications for LFG Conveyance System

This is the second version of SWANA’s Construction Specifications for Landfill Gas Conveyance Systems.
Member Price: $95.00
Non-Member Price: $195.00
Landfill Gas Collection System Efficiencies

Landfill Gas Collection System Efficiencies

Publication date: October, 2007. This report documents what is known about actual LFG collection system efficiencies based on recent research programs, case studies, and field experience.
Member Price: $0.00
Non-Member Price: $199.00
Regional Privately-owned Landfill Impact on ISWM

The Trend Toward Regional Privately-Owned Landfills

Publication date: February, 2007. Full title: The Regional Privately-Owned Landfill Trend and Its Impact on Integrated Solid Waste Management Systems.
Member Price: $0.00
Non-Member Price: $199.00
Dual Collection of MSW and Yard Wastes

Dual Collection of MSW and Yard Wastes

Publication date: January, 2007. This research memorandum provides up-to-date inforamtion on the benefits and risks of the dual collection of yard wastes and regular household wastes.
Member Price: $0.00
Non-Member Price: $199.00
Generating Electricity from Municipal Solid Waste or Coal - Comparison of Air Emissions

Comparison of Emissions From WTE and Coal-Fired Power Plants

Publication date: September, 2006. Waste-to-energy (WTE) facilities are generally more economical when compared to coal-fired power plants, but are they cleaner?
Member Price: $0.00
Non-Member Price: $199.00
Comparison of Air Emissions from Waste-to-Energy Facilities to Fossil Fuel Power Plants

Comparison of Air Emissions From WTE and Fossil-Fueled Power

Publication date: September, 2006. Waste-to-energy (WTE) facilities are generally more economical when compared to the three most common sources of fuel for energy production, but are they cleaner?
Member Price: $0.00
Non-Member Price: $199.00
Source Separation and Collection of Food Waste from Multi-Family Dwellings

Source Separation and Collection of Food Waste

Publication date: September, 2006. Full title: Source Separation and Collection of Food Waste from Multi-Family Dwellings
Member Price: $0.00
Non-Member Price: $199.00
Landfill Airspace: Measurement Management

Landfill Airspace Utilization: Measurement and Management

Publication date: December, 2005. This report establishes measurement standards for landfill airspace utilization.
Member Price: $0.00
Non-Member Price: $199.00
Landfill Gas Generation and Modeling Manual of Practice

Landfill Gas Generation and Modeling Manual of Practice

This manual is the product of several contributors rrom SWANA's Landfill Gas Management Technical Division's Generation and Modeling Committee.
Member Price: $35.00
Non-Member Price: $75.00
Landfill Stormwater Runoff Discharge Standards

Landfill Stormwater Runoff Standards

Publication date: December, 2004. This research memorandum provides up-to-date information regarding landfill stormwater runoff discharge standards.
Member Price: $0.00
Non-Member Price: $199.00
Composting of MSW Streams

Composting of MSW Substreams

Publication date: December, 2004. This research memorandum examines whether local waste diversion and recycling rates can be increased through the composting of municipal solid waste (MSW) substreams.
Member Price: $0.00
Non-Member Price: $199.00
Moisture Measurement in Municipal Solid Waste Landfills

Moisture Measurement in Municipal Solid Waste Landfills

Publication date: December, 2004. This technical memorandum provides guidelines on techniques to determine the “in situ” levels of moisture in landfilled waste.
Member Price: $0.00
Non-Member Price: $199.00
Effectiveness of MSW Landfills in Controlling Heavy Metals

Effectiveness of MSW Landfills in Controlling Releases

Publication date: March, 2004 (revised November, 2004). Full title: The Effectiveness of Municipal Solid Waste Landfills in Controlling Releases of Heavy Metals to the Environment.
Member Price: $0.00
Non-Member Price: $199.00
Promoting Mercury Containing Lamp Recycling Programs

Promoting Mercury Containing Lamp Recycling Programs

Promoting Mercury Containing Lamp Recycling Programs: A Guide for Solid Waste Managers (2004)
Member Price: $0.00
Non-Member Price: $0.00
Cover - Single Stream Recycling

Single-Stream Recycling

Publication date: August, 2003. This research memorandum provides information on single-stream recycling, which is collected in a mixed form and then separated and processed in a materials recovery facility (MRF).
Member Price: $0.00
Non-Member Price: $199.00
