
Reaching New Levels of Executive Fitness at WASTECON® 2020

April 9, 2020

Just Two Weeks Left! Call for Proposals Closes April 20, 2020

SWANA seeks proposals that take municipal solid waste directors and their teams to new levels of executive fitness. Through WASTECON® 2020, we’re building leaders who can manage through the most challenging of times, who turn disruption into opportunities. Help us cultivate stronger leaders by submitting an executive-level proposal for WASTECON 2020, scheduled December 7-10 in Dallas, TX. The submission deadline is Monday, April 20.

With a plan to kick-start the work on the WASTECON® 2020 Embracing Disruption theme, SWANA surveyed solid waste executives across North America last fall. They evaluated 40 trends that are predicted to disrupt local governments over the next 20 years, then identified the top four requiring immediate attention given their potential impact on our industry – Infrastructure, Collaboration, Fiscal Uncertainty, and the Digital Citizen. We’ll explore these trends at the conference through four focus areas: Human Disruption, Organizational Disruption, Market Disruption, and a Materials Recovery Facility Summit.  

WASTECON® 2020 has evolved from the technical to the strategic. “We’re looking for content that is underscored by data, that provokes and inspires,” said Arminda Valles-Hall, SWANA Director of Education. “It should help executives make better decisions, sell and defend those decisions, and provide actionable and timely information on the issues that matter most.”

WASTECON® isn’t the conference of old. It was transformed it into an executive summit in 2019 and, this year, SWANA will deliver it in an entirely new format – the “silent conference.” One of the latest innovations in conference design, silent conferences deliver multiple concurrent sessions in the same room. Participants can attend any of the sessions or move between sessions simply by changing the channel on a specially provided headset.

Join us in delivering a powerful learning experience to Solid Waste directors and their teams by submitting a proposal that energizes, inspires, and equips them to manage disruption.  

Proposals must be submitted by Monday, April 20, 11:59 p.m. Central Time for consideration. For more information, visit or contact Arminda Valles-Hall at 240.494.2251 or