July 8, 2021
SWANA exhibited at Waste Expo last month in Las Vegas. During the trade show, SWANA offered a $100 Amazon Gift Card to those that had their badge scanned or dropped a business card in the bowl. Congratulations to Kyle Loreto with the Merced County Regional Waste Management Authority on being selected as the winner of the $100 Amazon Gift Card!
For many attendees and exhibitors this was the first live industry event that have attended in over a year. Darryl Walter, Director of Membership with SWANA said, “The last time I was with members in person was at the Oklahoma/Texas SWANA Chapter meeting in early March of 2020 in Norman, OK. Getting out again and talking to members felt great. It is nice that things are getting back to normal.”
Darryl and the rest of TeamSWANA looks forward to seeing members at WASTECON taking place November 1-4 in Orlando, FL.