
SWANA Accepting Nominations for Professional Awards

March 24, 2022

Annual Awards Recognize Individuals for Contributions to the Industry and SWANA

SWANA’s annual Professional Achievement Awards Program recognizes individuals and their organizations for their contributions to the Association, to solid waste management and public health/environmental protection. Each year we ask Chapters, members and staff to nominate individuals for the following awards: This is your opportunity to recognize the hard work and dedication of SWANA members and other respected professionals in your chapters, divisions, and organization.

Robert L. Lawrence Distinguished Service Award: Not necessarily awarded each year, the Robert L. Lawrence Distinguished Service Award is the highest accolade SWANA members can give to an individual. The award is intended for a SWANA member or non-member who, by a career of unusually meritorious service to the municipal solid waste management field, have earned consideration. Determination of the award is based on the nominee’s service and activity beyond normal responsibilities to the employer and to the public.

Professional Achievement Award: Given annually, this award recognizes SWANA members for valuable and distinguished contributions to the Association, the individual’s employing organization, chapter, technical division, and/or the public. Unique achievements and outstanding services by the individual, potentially but not always tied to career longevity, are considered in the selection.

Life Member Award: Consideration for the Association's Life Member Award includes an individual's length of service and commitment to the Association, service and support to Chapter(s) or technical divisions, superior commitment and service to their employer, long term involvement in the field of municipal solid waste management in general, and the significance of contributions to the Association and the industry.

SWANA can give no more than one Life Member Award (in addition to recognizing its Past President), in any year. Members, chapters and technical divisions can recommend candidates for consideration. The award is subject to the approval of the Board of Directors. Life members have full membership status, without charge to the Life Member, in the Association and all Chapters during their lifetime.

Honorary Membership Award: This award may be presented to non-members and SWANA staff for continuous and significant contributions to the field of environmental protection, particularly in North America, with a preference to those working in the area of municipal solid waste management. The nomination of candidates who have been supportive of and instrumental in the conduct of SWANA’s mission, directly or indirectly, are particularly encouraged. Only one honorary award may be given each year, subject to Board approval.

Nomination forms are available through SWANA’s Professional Achievement Awards page or by contacting Sara Bixby, All nominations must be received at the Association Offices no later than April 15, 2022. Nominees are reviewed by the International Awards Committee, which presents recommendations to the Board. All 2022 awards will be presented in conjunction with WASTECON® 2022, which will be held December 5–8, 2022 in San Diego, California.