
YP Spotlight: Bonner Jones

October 28, 2021

The SWANA Young Professionals (YP) group continues to grow and expand across the country. SWANA YP members have been busy this past year speaking at SWANA events, leading teams, mentoring students and making strides in every aspect of the industry. Let’s get to know some of these upcoming industry leaders!

Meet Bonner Jones, General Manager – 130 Environmental Park

Bonner JonesMeet Bonner Jones with 130 Environmental Park an IWSG Company! Bonner began his career with Advanced Disposal in 2008. He started from the ground up as a laborer and continued to grow to lead operator, site manager and ultimately Landfill General Manager. While there, he managed landfills in Georgia, Alabama and opened a green fill site in Texas. He also managed construction and demolition landfills, MSW facilities, and was a part of site prep for a green fill to ultimate closure of cells. He shares, "I have had many great mentors along my path that I am blessed to have worked along with.”

Bonner has held certifications in each state including his MOLO certification since 2013. He most recently obtained his Texas license. In addition, Bonner enjoys attending SWANA WASTECON conferences and looks forward to attending  more in the future.

When asked about his YP membership he shares, "There are many opportunities to immerse yourself in the industry and continue to grow as a professional in the best kept secret career (Waste & Recycling)!"

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