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Ms. Christina Seibert

Executive Director

Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County

I am the Executive Director for the Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County (SWANCC), an intergovernmental agency comprised of 23 municipalities in north and northwest Cook County, Illinois.  My role carries responsibility for all operational aspects of the agency, including managing a $14M annual budget and a professional staff of 4.  Our agency owns a transfer station and sponsors special collection programs for electronics, sharps and medications, batteries, bulbs, and document destruction. I also advise members on their waste collection contracts and provide support in all areas of waste and recycling planning and program implementation.

Prior to SWANCC, I spent 21 years as a consultant in the solid waste and recycling arena, advising both units of local government and private waste companies on planning, policy, program, and contract matters. I led market assessments, economic evaluations, solid waste and recycling plans, and facility development and permitting efforts for all types of waste and recycling facilities. I have extensive experience across the Chicago market and northern Illinois, having grown up and lived in this area my whole life; my consulting work, however, gave me unique experience working with communities across the U.S., including many with aggressive diversion goals and progressive environmental policies such as Los Angeles and Austin, Texas.

I am the current Secretary of the Illinois Chapter of SWANA and have served on the chapter's SWANA board since 2005. I am certified faculty for SWANA’s training courses, Managing Integrated Solid Waste Management Systems (which I also authored) and Zero Waste Principles and Practices

I am also the proud mom to three wonderful children - my favorite hobbies include being their taxi service, manager of their social calendars, and biggest cheerleader in all they do.  When not working or momming, I enjoy riding my bike, reading, cooking, and anything that allows me to enjoy the outdoors.


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