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Workers sorting recycling at a municipal recycling facility (MRF)

SWANA is recognized as a leading subject matter expert on recycling and materials recovery. SWANA works directly with local governments and their private sector partners in the United States and Canada to build individual and community awareness around recycling issues. SWANA is working with members, municipalities, and industry leaders to understand and respond to current recycling challenges.

Recycling Legislation

Federal legislation has been introduced in the US Congress to address some of the challenges facing recycling. The following bills are supported by SWANA with the approval of its Core Advocacy Group because they provide funding for recycling infrastructure improvement and public education.

SWANA/National League of Cities Support RECOVER & RECYCLE Acts…

Recycling Infrastructure and Accessibility Act (S. 3742)

The Recycling Infrastructure and Accessibility Act would establish a pilot recycling program to award grants to states, local municipalities, tribal governments, and public-private partnerships for improving recycling accessibility. The goal is to significantly improve access to recycling systems in underserved communities through the use of a hub-and-spoke model for recycling infrastructure development. More…
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RECOVER Act (H.R. 2357)

The RECOVER Act would allocate $500 million in matching federal grants to eligible states, local municipalities, and tribal governments to invest in improving their recycling infrastructure, programs, and education efforts. More…
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Save Our Seas 2.0 Act (S. 1982)

Passed into law December 18, 2020

The Save Our Seas 2.0 Act addresses the issue of marine debris in a variety of ways, including via improvements in domestic solid waste infrastructure. The legislation establishes a post-consumer materials management infrastructure grant program that would receive $55,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2021 through 2025 and a trash-free water grants that would receive $10,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2021 through 2025. More…

RECYCLE Act (S. 923)

Passed into law November 15, 2021 as part of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act

The RECYCLE Act would authorize up to $15 million per year, over the course of five years, in grants to states, tribes, nonprofits, public partnerships, and local governments seeking to ramp up commercial and municipal recycling outreach and education. The legislation would also direct the EPA to develop a model recycling toolkit to bolster recycling participation and decrease contamination rates. More…
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New SWANA White Paper

State of Plastic Waste Management in the United States and Canada

Thumbnail for SWANA whitepaper: State of Plastic Waste Management in the United States and Canada

This white paper is a SWANA Member exclusive that provides solid waste and recycling managers and elected officials a snapshot of the status of plastic waste management in the municipal solid waste stream. It outlines the current state of plastic waste management in the United States and Canada, with a focus on containers and packaging.

Download — Members Only

Recycling: Myths vs. Facts

Is recycling in trouble? Is recycling even worth the effort? Find out with the SWANA Recycling: Myths vs. Facts factsheet — customized for Canada and the United States.

Pledges and Commitments

SWANA recognizes the importance of collaboration to ensure a sustainable recycling system for all. For that reason, SWANA supports initiatives that work to advance from solid waste management to resource management.

Recycling in the Media

Recycling Press Releases