
Call for Nominations – Two Tech Division Vice Director Positions

February 27, 2020

SWANA and its leadership establish and maintain Technical Divisions to address and represent all aspects of integrated solid waste management. The primary responsibility of SWANA's Technical Divisions is to educate and inform the SWANA membership, solid waste management professionals and the general public.

Each Technical Division is led by a volunteer Executive Committee consisting of the Division Director, Vice Director and immediate Past Director. It's time to elect a new Vice Director for the Landfill Gas and Biogas Technical Division and for the Collection and Transfer Technical Division.

Important Dates

Nominations for the position will take place until March 23. The election will be held April 23- May 22. The term for the person elected as Vice Director will be from July 1, 2020, to June 30, 2022.


The Vice Director is elected by division members for a two-year term, then advances through to the Director position (2 more years) and finally the Past Director position (2 final years). You can think of the Vice Director position as a learning experience for the Director role and the Past Director position as a Mentor role for the DIrector and Vice Director. In addition to assisting the division director, the vice director mentors committee chairs in completion of their duties.

More information on the role of the Divisions and the Vice Director position can be found in SWANA's MA-03 policy on Management and Administrative Practices by logging in to your MySWANA account and going to the eLibrary folder. Select the Series 4 folder called SWANA's Management and Administrative Policies, then click on MA-03 Technical Divisions Operating Policies and Procedures. Download the attachment for the current policy.

How to Submit a Nomination

To be eligible for nomination and to vote, you must be a current member of both SWANA and the appropriate Technical Division.

To apply, send an email with the subject line "Vice Director Application – *NAME OF DIVISION*"  to SWANA Technical Divisions Manager at  Your email application must include the following items:

  • Your professional accomplishments (what are key roles you played for your current or former employers)
  • What you have done for SWANA (other leadership roles, awards received, Technical Division service)
  • Your leadership goals for the division

Please attach a photo of 1 MB or larger to your application letter.

Nominations close March 23, 2020.  

Address questions to Sue Bumpous, Technical Divisions Manager,