
The Landfill Management (LM) Distinguished Individual Achievement Award (DIAA) Submission Criteria

Here are directions for completing an application for the Landfill Management (LM) Distinguished Individual Achievement Award Submission Criteria.

Organization of Nomination

The Landfill Management Technical Division Awards Committee established categories by which nominees will be evaluated for individual recognition.

  • Service to the Landfill Management Technical Division

    • Current SWANA Member and Landfill Management Technical Division member: Indicate years actively involved in the Division.
    • Division/Committee Leadership: list service in leadership roles (director, chair/vice-chair, working groups, special assignments) in committees and division structure.
    • Committee Service: list participation in one or more committees of the Landfill Management Technical Division. This includes active and measurable contributions such as drafting materials for a committee, serving as a SWANA faculty member, or providing comments on regulatory issues.
    • Presentations Given at SWANA LFM Symposium or WASTECON: list year, location, and title of presentation.
  • Support of SWANA Mission

    • Chapter Support: document active participation in chapter activities.
    • SWANA Support (Board, other SWANA Divisions, Committees): list involvement in SWANA activities other than chapters and Landfill Management Technical Division, including such activities as serving on the SWANA Board, a non-technical committee, or other technical divisions.
  • Contributions to the Solid Waste Management Field and Other Factors

    • Integrated Solid Waste Management Roles and Responsibilities: activities such as participation in public/citizen activities associated with planning and implementation of solid waste programs, active membership in environmental organizations, or corresponding and parallel work in another practice.
    • Landfill-Related Presentations to Other Organizations: list year, organization, and title of presentation.
    • Advocacy Work (legislative, regulatory, other): list contributions by the candidate which advance landfill management at the professional, local, state, provincial, national or international levels.


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