
Scholarship Winner

Kim Braun


Environmental Programs & Operations Manager, Culver City

Kim Braun is responsible for Culver City’s waste, recycling and organics collections program, the 500-ton-per-day transfer station and stormwater projects and programs. Previously, Kim served as the resource recovery and recycling manager for the City of Santa Monica, where she started as the materials recovery superintendent with the Solid Waste Management Division in 1997. Prior to relocating to Santa Monica, she worked for the Mercer County Improvement Authority (MCIA) in Trenton, New Jersey, as the director of operations. Kim is an active member in both SWANA and SoCal SWANA, serving as a previous director for the SWANA Sustainable Materials Management Technical Division, as well as a Public Board Member for SoCal SWANA. She received her Bachelor’s degree from Michigan State University and a Master’s degree from the School of Public Affairs at American University in Washington, D.C.
