
Scholarship Winner

Michael Greenberg

Michael Greenberg

Retired President of GT Environmental, Inc.

Michael Greenberg is an Environmental Planner with forty-two years of experience with solid waste management and environmental issues. Michael retired as President of GT Environmental, Inc. (GT). Michael founded GT in 1995. Michael has been an environmental consultant for thirty-two years and has successfully performed a variety of assignments for industries, utilities, and government agencies in the Midwest and throughout the country. Michael’s recent experience has focused on assisting clients with zero waste planning, waste diversion, facility and program feasibility studies and strategic plan facilitation. Michael has assisted many private sector facilities with waste assessments and audits. He is a graduate of The Ohio State University with a Masters in City and Regional Planning.

Michael began his career as an environmental scientist with the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency in 1981. His nine years with the Ohio EPA included three years as Manager of the Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste, Solid Waste Planning Section., and three years as Manager of the Public Interest Center, Public Involvement Section. As Manager of the Solid Waste Planning Section, he managed the development of the State Solid Waste Management Plan and developed solid waste regulations. As a Manager in the Public Interest Center, Michael was responsible for Agency public hearings and meetings. Michael also worked in the Ohio EPA Planning Office and was responsible for developing watershed management plans for non-point source pollutants and managing contracts with regional planning agencies.

Michael has served on the Ohio Buckeye Chapter Board of Directors for over fifteen years, he was President of the Buckeye Chapter of the Solid Waste Association of North America from 2004 - 2006. Michael also established the SWANA Legacy Fund in 2023.
